Privacy Policy
This is the official privacy policy of Moo Job.

Android game

The Android version of Dork does not collect or transmit any kind of information. Use of the Google Play Store, including app installation and reviews, is goverened by Google's terms and privacy policy.

Web version

The in-browser World Wide Web version of Dork uses Google Analytics and/or other analytics services to analyze traffic and user behavior. Information collected by these services may include IP address (which correlates with location), browser, operating system, and other information available to all web pages. It does not include the user's name, precise location, or other sensitive personal information.

Web site at

Different information is gathered by different parts of the web site. Under no circumstances will any of the information gathered be sold, rented, given, or otherwise distributed outside of Moo Job Inc, or used for any purpose other than as stated at the time it is gathered. Exceptions: 1. We may provide information to courts and/or law enforcement agencies if we are required to do so by court order. 2. If you register for the forum at, some information that you provide may be publicly viewable as described below under the heading "Forum". All information is stored in databases or computer files, with reasonable precautions taken against unauthorized access.

General use of the web site

Whenever you visit any part of, our server receives the IP address of your computer or network; the name and version number of your web browser and operating system; and the URL of the web site that directed you here. None of this information can be used to identify you, your computer or your exact location. This information will be recorded in a log, and may be analyzed statistically in order to improve our web site and marketing plans.

Notification request forms

In certain places on our web site, you have the option of requesting that we notify you when certain events occur. If you choose to make the request, you will be giving us your email address. This will be stored in a database and used to notify you of events as you requested. The number of requests by different people for particular events may also affect our product development plans. The information we collect from these forms will not be used for any other purpose.


When you select the "Purchase" option from the menu of Dork™, you will be sent to a special page at, which is not accessible any other way. At this time a special code will be transmitted to us, which uniquely identifies your computer, but cannot be used to discover your identity or the location of you or your computer unless you later provide this information to us. The special page gives you the option of purchasing our products.

When you select a product to purchase from us, you will be redirected to PayPal. PayPal is a separate organization from Moo Job Inc and has its own privacy policy. PayPal will collect personal information about you, including your name, email address, physical address and credit card or bank account number(s), as necessary to collect your payment. PayPal will make this information available to Moo Job Inc, with the exception of credit card and bank information, which is kept secure by PayPal. Information received by us from PayPal will be used to electronically deliver the product to you. It will also be stored in a database and used to deliver the product to you again if you request it. It may be analyzed statistically in order to improve our products and web site. It will not be used for any other purpose.


The forum at allows users to write posts which are publicly visible. Moo Job Inc cannot be responsible for the information you post. If you fill out the form to become a registered user of the forum, you will be providing your email address and possibly other personal information. Your email address will only be publicly visible if you elect to make it so by selecting the appropriate option in the form. Other information provided may be publicly visible as explained in the form. If you do not elect to make your email address visible, it will be used only to contact you regarding forum administration business, and not divulged to other parties.

Legal stuff

This policy is subject to change at any time without notice. We will not reduce your rights under this Policy regarding previously collected information without your explicit consent.

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